









(根据哈利勒·纪伯伦散文组诗 The Beloved 的第一篇 First Sight,不完全按照原文演绎)



附录:John Walbridge 的英译(原为阿拉伯文):

First Sight

~Kahlil Gibran


It is the moment dividing the scent of life from its wakefulness. It is the first spark lighting the recesses of the soul. It is that first magical note plucked on the strings of the lyre of the human heart. It is a brief moment retelling to the soul’s ear tales of bygone days and revealing to its visions deeds done by night, making plain to its eye the acts of ecstasy in this world and the mystery of eternity in the world to come. It is a seed thrown from on high by Astarte. The eyes sow it in the field of the heart, the emotions tend it, and the soul brings it to fruit. The first sight of the beloved is like the spirit that moved on the face of the waters, from which flowed forth the heavens and the earth. The first sight of life’s companion echoes God’s words, ‘Let there be…’

Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face